Aceite Dieléctrico

Producto de Ergon Inc. para la refrigeración de transformadores de alta, media y baja potencia.

Hyvolt I

Información Técnica
This electrical insulating oil is produced from a severely hydrotreated naphthenic oil to meet the specification requirements defined in IEC 60296 ed.4, 2012, general specifications.

Test Description Test Method Specifications Typical Values
Función Mínimo Máximo  
Viscosity, mm2/s at 40°C ISO 3104 12.0 10.3
Viscosity, mm2/s at -30°C ISO 3104 1800 1291
Pour Point, °C ISO 3016 -40 -62
Water Content, mg/kg IEC 60814 30 15
Breakdown Voltage, kV, before treatment IEC 60156 30 55
Breakdown Voltage, kV, after treatment IEC 60156 70 75
Density at 20°C, g/ml ISO 12185 0.895 0.881
DDF at 90°C IEC 60247 0.005 0.001
Refining/Stability Mínimo Máximo  
Appearance ERTM-2 PASS PASS
Acidity, mg KOH/g IEC 62021-1 0.01 < 0.01
Interfacial Tension, mN/m ASTM D 971 40 53
Corrosive Sulfur DIN 51353 Noncorrosive Noncorrosive
Corrosive Sulfur AASTM D 1275, B Noncorrosive Noncorrosive
Corrosive Sulfur IEC 62535 Noncorrosive Noncorrosive
DBDS IEC 62697-1 Not detected
(< 5mg/kg)
Not detected
Inhibitors of IEC 60666 IEC 60666 Not detected
(< 0.01%)
Not detected
Metal Passivator Additives of IEC 60666 IEC 60666 Not detected
(< 5mg/kg)
Not detected
Other Additives See ª
Furfural Content, mg/kg IEC 61198 Not detected
(< 5mg/kg)
< 0.05
Carbon Type Analysis, % IR-Brandes
Ca 12
Cn 42
Cp 46
Performance Mínimo Máximo  
Oxidation Stability at 120°C, 164 hours IEC 61125, C
    Total Acidity, mg KOH/g 1.2 0.7
    Sludge, % 0.3 0.01
    DDF at 90°C 0.500 0.044
Health, Safety and Environment
Flash Point, PMCC, °C ISO 2719 135   147
PCA Content, % BS 2000 Part 346 3 <3
PCB Content IEC 61619 Not detected
Not detected

Hyvolt II

Información Técnica
This electrical insulating oil is produced from a severely hydrotreated naphthenic oil to meet the specification requirements defined in ASTM D 3487. HyVolt products have very low pour points and excellent oxidation stability.

Test Description Test Method Specifications Typical Values
Propiedades Físicas Mínimo Máximo  
Viscosidad, cSt at 100°C ASTM D 341 3.0 2.4
Viscosidad, cSt at 40°C ASTM D 341 12.0 9.9
Viscosidad, cSt at 0°C ASTM D 445 76 70
Gravedad específica, 15°C/15°C ASTM D 4052 0.9100 0.8869
Punto de inflamación, COC, °C ASTM D 92 145 156
Color, ASTM ASTM D 6045 0.5 L 0.5
Punto de fluidez, °C ASTM D 5949 -40 -64
Punto de Anilina, °C ASTM D 611 63.0 75.3
Tensión interfacial, 25°C, dinas / cm ASTM D 971 40 49
Examinación visual ASTM D 1524 Clear & Bright Clear & Bright
Propiedades Eléctricas Mínimo Máximo  
Desglose dieléctrica a 60 Hz, electrodos de disco, kV ASTM D 877 30   43
Desglose die. a 60 Hz, VDE, kV (2.03 mm) hueco ASTM D 1816 35 49
Factor de potencia a 60 Hz, 25°C, % ASTM D 924 0.05 0.006
Factor de potencia a 60 Hz, 100°C, % ASTM D 924 0.30 0.073
Gassing Tendency, μL/min ASTM D 2300 30 17
Propiedades Químicas Mínimo Máximo
Estabilidad de oxidación ASTM D 2440
72h: Sludge, % by mass 0.1 0.01
    Total Acid Number, mg KOH/g 0.3 0.01
164 hr: Sludge, % by mass 0.2 0.03
    Total Acid Number, mg KOH/g 0.4 0.02
Oxidation Stability (Pressure Vessel), minutes ASTM D 2112 195 269
Oxidation Inhibitor Content, wt% ASTM D 2668 0.15 0.30 0.26
Corrosive Sulfur ASTM D 1275 Nocorrosive Nocorrosive
Water Content, ppm ASTM D 1533 35 13
Neutralization Number, mg KOH/g ASTM D 974 0.03 ∧0.01
PCB Content, ppm ASTM D 4059 Not detected Not detected
Health and Safety Properties (not an ASTM D 3487 requirement)
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, wt% IP 346   3 <3
Modified Ames Assay, MI ASTM D 2112 1 <1
FDA Regulation A21 CFR 178.3620 (C) PASS PASS

Hyvolt III

Información Técnica
The inhibited electrical insulating oil, HyVolt III, is produced from a severely hydrotreated naphthenic oil to meet the specification requirements defined in IEC 60296, ed. 4, 2012, special applications.

Test Description Test Method Especifications Typical Values
Function Minimum Maximum  
Viscosity, cSt at 40°C ISO 3104 12.0 9.7
Viscosity, cSt at 30°C ISO 3104 1800 1092
Pour Point, ºC ISO 3016 -40 -66
Water Content, mg/kg IEC 60814 30 156
Breakdown Voltage, kV, Before treatment, 2.5mm IEC 60156 30 57
Breakdown Voltage, kV, After treatment, 2.5mm IEC 12185 70 75
Density at 20ºC, g/ml IEC 12185 0.895 0.875
DDF at 90º IEC 60247 0.005 0.001
Refining/Stability Minimum Maximum
Appearance IEC 60296 PASS PASS
Acidity, mg KOH/g IEC 62021-1 0.01 <0.01
Interfacial Tension, mN/m ASTM D 971 40 48
Corrosive Sulfur DIN 51353 Noncorrosive Noncorrosive
Corrosive Sulfur ASTM D 1275, B Noncorrosive Noncorrosive
Corrosive Sulfur IEC 62535 Noncorrosive Noncorrosive
DBDS, mg/kg IEC 62697-1 Not detected (<5) Not detected
Inhibitors, % IEC 60666 0.08 0.40 0.36
Metal Passivator Additives, mg/kg IEC 60666 Not detected (<5) Not detected
Other Additives AIEC 60296 Seea
Sulfur, wt% ISO 14596 0.15 0.008
Furfural Content, mg/kg IEC 61198 Not detected (<0.05) Not detected
Carbon Type Analysis, % IR-Brandes
Ca 6
Cn 47
Cp 47
Performance Minimum Maximum
Oxidation Stability at 120°C, 500 hours IEC 61125, C
    Total Acidity, mg KOH/g 0.30 0.01
    Sludge, % 0.5 0.01
    DDF at 90°C 0.050 0.013 0.050 0.013
Health, Safety and Environment
Flash Point, PMCC, °C ISO 2719 135   144
PCA Content, % IP 346 3 <3
PCB Content, mg/kg IEC 61619 Not detected (<0.05) Not detected